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Dr. Papanikolaou performs Egg Donation

For couples who are unable to conceive due to a low ovarian reserve or poor egg quality, IVF with egg donation is an alternative option. This procedure involves using the eggs of a donor to conceive a child and allow the infertile couple to experience the joys of pregnancy and childbirth.

Screening process of the egg donors

According to the Greek legislation, egg donation is anonymous and is safeguarded by a strict set of rules, to protect both the couple and the donor. According to these rules, the donor must not be over 35 years, and must have a normal medical history and normal test results. A total of 2 embryos at the most may be transferred into the uterus of the recipient.

In our clinic the donors must undergo a medical and psychological assessment. We offer a large pool of carefully selected egg donors.  You can have information regarding characteristics like skin, eye and hair color, weight and height, social, cultural and educational background,

The donors are checked for many diseases This includes a complete physical examination, tests for sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS, Hepatitis B and C, syphilis, gonorrhea etc. as well as genetic screening (molecular karyotype), to exclude the possibility of inheritable diseases. Specific tests based on ethnic background i.e.  Cystic fibrosis, thalassemia, sickle cell disease etc. are also performed. We do not accept potential egg donors who have a family history of serious illnesses like early onset of heart disease, diabetes, cancers, life threatening allergies and mental illness.

The first visit is through skype or email and includes all the details about the donor program and consultation from Dr. Papanikolaou.

Short term: the couple use frozen sperm (or their own or a donor), also in single families.
In these cases, the woman begins the preparation of the endometrium at her own country and around the 10th of the protocol send us a picture of the endometrium done by ultrasound.

Long term: with the use of fresh sperm.
The couple arrive around the 10th day of the protocol in our clinic and the fertilization of the donor’s eggs become with the fresh sperm.

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Dr. Papanikolaou performs Egg Donation