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Dr. Garavelas performs IVF

In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer, the most widespread method is that of Medical Assisted Reproduction, with extremely high success rates and concrete scientific assurances that it is a safe medical procedure. The IVF was developed by Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards in the United Kingdom, with the latter being awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 2010.

This technique is indicated in case of tubal occlusion, seminal pathology, and failure of the simplest techniques. According to our experience, the success rates of IVF are 54% per cycle. Much depends, however, on the causes of infertility, the patient’s age and the quality of the partner’s seminal fluid.

IVF process

  1. Stimulation to obtain Ova

Through subcutaneous injections, follicles containing oocytes are induced. The patient’s ovarian response is monitored with ultrasound and blood samples to evaluate the number and quality of the follicles.

  1. Collection of Ova

The eggs are collected through a small operation made under sedation, without any pain. In a few hours, the patient exceeds the post-operative phase.

  1. In Vitro Fertilization

The recovered oocytes are cultured with the partner’s sperm, thawed and prepared for fertilization. After about 20 hours the development of the zygotes (pre-embryonic phase) is ascertained. The zygotes destined to be transferred into the uterus are left in cultivation another 24-48 hours, becoming real embryos. The average fertilization rate is about 70%.

  1. Embryo transfer

The embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity, with the use of a thin catheter. The operation is quick, painless and the hospital stay lasts a few minutes. IOLIFE recommends the transfer of two embryos, to reduce the risk of multiple pregnancies, and we advise patients to avoid excessive physical activity in the next 3-4 days.

The price does not include:

  • Diagnostic tests for the couple before treatment
  • Any additional specialist analysis requested by the doctor
  • Medication used during stimulation
  • Possible cryopreservation of the sperm
  • Possible pregnancy checks
  • Frozen Embryo Thawing and subsequent transfer

Optional costs:

Vitrification (high speed freezing)


  • In case the patient proceeds with the oocyte collection and no oocyte is collected, we refund the amount of 500€.
  • Any purchased medication is non-refundable.

IVF procedure

Initial consultation: An initial telephone or online (Skype) consultation with Dr. Garavelas is arranged, in order for the doctor to analyze each case and to guide clients through the whole process. Alternatively, an on-site consultation may be arranged in Athens, Rome or Mila, so that the clients can have a personal meeting with the doctor.

The cost of this first meeting is 100 euros and clients will be fully refunded once they decide to go ahead with the egg donation program in our clinic.

The procedure begins by completing a medical questionnaire; next, the clients are asked to take medical tests and the doctor provides them with the appropriate protocol to follow. Hence, it is highly recommended for patients to complete all the required tests in their home country and share the results with the doctor before their consultation.

First visit in Athens, Greece.

During this first visit, Dr. Athanasios Garavelas will determine an individual stimulation protocol. The nurse will explain to the patients how to use the drugs and will ask them to sign the declaration regarding treatment. The semen can be collected and frozen so that it is not necessary for the male partner to come to Athens again. The price of the first meeting in Athens is 100 euros. The sum will be refunded once patients decide to go ahead with the IVF program in our clinic.

Second Visit in Athens, Greece

  1. The stimulation of the ovaries begins on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle and lasts about 12 days. During this time, the patient needs to have an ultrasound (on the 5th and 8th day) in order to determine if the dosage of the drugs is optimal.
  2. Around the 12th day of the stimulation the oocyte retrieval will take place under general anesthesia. On the same day, a sample of the semen will be collected for fertilization (in case the liquid was not frozen during the first visit or if donor sperm is used).
  3. The embryo culture lasts between 3-5 days and it is possible to talk with the embryologist every day, in order to be informed on the process of embryos’ development.
  4. Around 15 to 17 days after the beginning of stimulation, the embryos will be transferred. At this stage, we transfer 1-2 embryos. The quantity of embryos to be transferred will be discussed with the patient in order for the doctor and the embryologist to make the optimal decision. Unused and healthy embryos can be frozen and used later if the first attempt has not been successful.
  5. 15 days after the embryo transfer, the patient will take a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy test is positive, patients must continue to take the prescribed medications until the 12th week of pregnancy. If the pregnancy test is negative, the patients need to consult Dr. Garavelas for further advice and for adjustments to the medication dosage.

Success rate for IVF: ~54%

Every therapy is fully personalized and this is why we achieve such high success rates in fertility treatments.

Learn more about IVF in Greece.

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Dr. Garavelas performs IVF