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10 things to do in Crete while on your fertility journey

We continue to explore Greek cities that offer fertility treatments, and it’s Crete’s time! MEDIPASS cooperates with Crete Fertility Centre, located in Heraklion, a top-notch clinic offering all kinds of fertility treatments such as IVF, Ovarian Rejuvenation, Egg Donation etc. While the clinic is located in the biggest county of the island, Heraklion, that shouldn’t stop you from investigating the whole island during your fertility journey.

We gathered 10 things to do while on the island, some more appropriate for summer vacation and some for your winter break. 

Before that, let’s start with some basics about Crete. It is the largest Greek island and the 5th largest in the Mediterranean sea, with Heraklion being its capital and the largest city.  Its climate is primarily Mediterranean, with the atmosphere can be quite humid, depending on the proximity to the sea, while winter is fairly mild. Snowfall is common on the mountains between November and May, but rare in the low-lying areas. There are 4 counties, Heraklion, Chania, Lasithi and Rethymno, and all travelers can reach the island via two international airports in Heraklion and Chania and a smaller one in Sitia.

  • Balos, Elafonisi, but not only them! If you have read articles about the best beaches worldwide you surely have seen the above two names. Elafonisi with its blue-green water, pink sandy beach and the feeling you are in the Pacific ocean is surely one of the most famous -and crowded- beaches in the island. But for a good reason. Even if you won’t swim there, visit it and then walk a few meters far to Kedrodasos, another tropical beach with far fewer people but the same beauty as Elafonisi. Balos has been awarded as one of the best beaches worldwide by Tripadvisor, with white-red sand, shallow waters, and a lagoon with crystal clear blue-green waters. Do we have your attention yet? We sure do! Apart from those must visit beaches are Falasarna, Vai with the only palm trees forest in Europe, and Chrysi Island one of the 81 uninhabited islands of Crete.

Elafonisi, Crete, Greece
Elafonisi Beach
  • Chania old town. Perhaps the most instagrammable and photographed place in Crete. Even though the city was bombarded and burnt many times throughout the years it still is one of the most beautiful European cities. As old town we  mean the section of the city inside the Venetian walls. There you can feel the vibes from the different cultures combined, visit catholic churches, museums, manor houses, and picturesque little alleys that lead you straight to the Old Venetian Harbor. The harbor is considered one of the most significant historic landmarks in Crete, because it was among the most important trade centers in the Mediterranean back in the day. Our suggestion: Go to the lighthouse right before sunset time in order to see one of the most beautiful sunsets of the world, no we don’t exaggerate!

Harbor Old Town Chania
Chania Old Town
  • And while talking about harbors, a must visit sight is also the Venetian Harbor in Rethymno, where the city’s heart is vibing all day and night long. The lighthouse, the castle, the narrow streets with the churches all constitute a hot spot for every tourist. 
  • Heraklion, the city that never sleeps. Besides being the largest and most “alive”  and modern city of the island, with many young people studying and working there, the city has a historical side too. Visit the Lions Fountain, the Castle, the National History Museum, the National Archaeological Museum and of course Knossos Palace.

Fountain of the Lions, Heraklion, Crete
Heraklion, Liontaria
  • Knossos Palace. It is the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete and has been called Europe’s oldest city. Settled as early as the Neolithic period, the name Knossos survives from ancient Greek references to the major city of Crete. It was the political center of the Minoan civilization and culture. Its labyrinthine ruins are said to have been home to the monstrous Minotaur, a half-man half-bull creature that devoured young virgins. Spooky enough? Wait until you visit it! Don’t forget to buy in advance your skip the line tickets if you visit the site in summer where it gets crowded! 
  • Saint Nicholas, the lake inside the sea. It is the capital city of Rethymno and one of the most traditional places of the island on the east side. City’s trademark is Voulismeni Lake, the lake that is said to have very deep waters, like it has no depth at all. It is also said that at the bottom of the lake, Germans have left war material before abandoning Crete in 1944, during world war II. The fishing boats, the little bridge over the lake, and the restaurants across, are making Saint Nicholas an ideal spot for a peaceful romantic getaway. 
  •  Samaria Gorge. The biggest gorge in Greece and one of the biggest in Europe, is not a walk in the park experience, but definitely deserves your try. In its 15 kilometers descent you will come across Crete’s wildlife and nature and the ruins of some Cretan houses which were left there when the Cretans decided to move to the beaches to live. Its most impressive point, however, is the Iron Gates, where the width reaches just three meters! Watch out for the Kri-Kris that may appear while you are hiking, the Cretan wild goats that defy gravity and hang from the rocks!

a wild goat at Samaria Gorge
Kri kri, Samaria Gorge
  • Spinaloga island, the island of the living dead. Exile place for the lepers in Greece during the 20th century, and one of the last active leper colonies in Europe at the time. The island accommodated a number of nearly 400 inhabitants during the outbreak of the illness. Today the place has been totally intact in order to honor the scientific discoveries regarding the illness. 
  • Attend a traditional Cretan wedding. This type of wedding is surely an unforgettable experience even for the rest of the Greeks. The music, the food, the traditional dances, the black traditional costumes and the Cretan atmosphere will not leave you untouched. 
  • Seek your lost youth in Matala Beach. A beach known because of a Greek movie where all hippies went there to party and live freely, like the American countercultural movement that rejected the mores of mainstream American life. 

In order to feel the Cretan vibes and absorb the island’s beauty you should stay at least for 10 days. Crete is a big island, with things to do for every taste. Next time you visit, say hello to that Cretan old lady who bakes “kaltsounia” (small cheese or herb snack) and be sure to share with her a glass of raki (the traditional drink of the island), while listening to all the secrets she has to share about Crete! 

And for every inquiry regarding your fertility journey, dm us 🙂

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10 things to do in Crete while on your fertility journey